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العودة   منتديات تو زوو > :::: منتدى هواة الحيوانات :::: > قسم هواة الكلاب > قسم تدريب الكلاب

موضوع مغلق
أدوات الموضوع إبحث في الموضوع طرق مشاهدة الموضوع
قديم 28-09-2005, 12:31 PM   #1
cool partner
هاوي جديد

Pit Bull Training

Hi Cool

Thanks a lot for subscribing to the
Pit Bull Training Mini Course, published by the
Pit Bull Training Institute.

You have probably already heard of the Pit Bull
Training Institute, our mission and what we do...

In case you haven't, the Pit Bull Training Institute is
the leading organization in the world dedicated to the
welfare of the Pit Bull.

Among our different activities, we carry out extensive
research on the best ways of training, taking care of
and maintaining your Pit Bull.

Over the next few days, we are going to send you dozens
of tips and techniques to help you quickly and easily
train, maintain and take care of your Pit Bull.

These techniques have been thoroughly tested and
researched by the Pit Bull Training Institute - so,
after reading the mini course, we absolutely guarantee
that you will be well on your way to having a loving,
well-trained and perfectly obedient Pit Bull!

The techniques mentioned in this course will generally
be applicable for both a puppy as well as an adult
Pit Bull. In case a particular technique is applicable
only to a puppy or only to an adult Pit Bull, we have
mentioned that before discussing the technique.

In this course, you will discover tips for

* Housebreaking your Pit Bull
* Training your Pit Bull & making it obedient
* Teaching the basic commands to your Pit Bull
* Taking care of the diet of your Pit Bull
* Stopping your Pit Bull from barking and biting

and a lot, lot more!

So, without wasting any more time, let's begin with
today's topic - which is all about housebreaking your
Pit Bull.

If done properly, housebreaking your Pit Bull does not
have to be as much of a hassle as some owners make it
to be.

Your Pit Bull is a creature of habit. If it is taught
where you want it to eliminate, and you control its
food and water intake to regulate when it will
eliminate, you will have a happy relationship
relatively free of accidents.

The biggest mistake made by Pit Bull owners is
inconsistency. It is important that you first choose
the method of housebreaking appropriate for you and
your pet and secondly stick with it. We know of many
Pit Bull owners who are impatient or inconsistent when
housebreaking their pets. The end result is a pet that
is never fully housebroken.

So, remember the three P's - persistence, patience and
praise, and you are guaranteed success.

Here are the 3 methods you can use to housetrain your
Pit Bull:

i) The Paper Method - The paper method seems to work
better with a puppy than with an adult Pit Bull,
although it can be used on both.

To begin housetraining your pup with the paper method,
first you must choose a ******** where your puppy will
be staying until housetrained.

Make sure the room is puppy proofed and that
elimination on the floor in this area will not cause
permanent damage to your home.

A bathroom or small kitchen is usually a good place for

Once you have chosen an area, cover the entire floor
with newspaper.

If you have a young puppy, it will eliminate much more
often than when it is older. So, just be prepared for
many messes in the beginning.

In the beginning, it is important to replace the paper
as soon as possible after the elimination has occurred.

This helps your puppy establish the area as its own,
and it will help you get a better idea of where it
favors doing its business.

As your puppy eliminates throughout the day, it may go
in several different areas of the room.

But, as it gets a little more used to its room, it will
choose a certain area where it prefers to eliminate.

When its preferred area for elimination is established,
begin removing the paper from the rest of the room,
only covering the area it uses.

Make sure you leave its papered area large enough so
that it does not miss the paper.

If it misses the paper, the area is too small and you
need to add more paper.

When it uses its papered area, praise it. The more
your puppy associates a reward with its choice of the
paper instead of the linoleum, the quicker your puppy
will be trained.

After it has established that it will use the papered
area instead of the floor, begin moving the paper
towards the area (presumably somewhere outside your
house) where you want it to go when fully trained.

The paper should only be moved a little at a time
towards this ********. If moving the paper confuses
your puppy, you may only be able to move about one inch
per day, until the paper reaches its final destination.

Once your puppy understands that it is to eliminate
only on the paper, and you have been able to move
towards the area where it will eventually go outside,
monitoring its habits will be much easier.

Once the paper is completely removed, it will go to
that area automatically and sniff or turn circles,
letting you know it has to go out.

Crate Training - Crate training can be used on both a
puppy and an adult Pit Bull and is probably the most
effective and efficient way to housetrain your pet.

No Pit Bull will want to eliminate in a place it
considers to be its own and therefore, unless left in
its crate for too long, it will not eliminate in its

Once every hour, place your Pit Bull on a leash and
walk it in the area where you want it to go potty.

If it has not gone in five minutes, return it to its
crate for another hour.

After another hour goes by, the dog that did not go
last time will most likely go this time.

When it does go, be sure and praise it profusely and
return it to its crate. The excitement in your voice
when you are praising it will help it better
understand that THIS is the place you want it to go.

Once that is established, it will do its best to make
you happy by eliminating in its designated area.

Once you feel it understands where it is to go to
potty, you may lessen its crate time, and begin opening
up its area to more than just its crate.

Be sure and open up its area a little at a time so it
clearly establishes the larger area as "its area",
increasing the desire to keep its area clean.

Eventually, you will be able to open up your entire
home, but this is only after a lot of time has been
spent training and proof that it understands.

Litter Pan Method - This method will have the best
chance of success with an young puppy but an older
Pit Bull may be able to litter train with success as

Similar to paper training, litter box training begins
in a confined area such as a bathroom or kitchen.

Although you may be able to use a traditional cat
litter box for this purpose, pet supply stores do sell
doggy litter boxes. They are shaped a little different
and are a bit larger than the traditional kitty box.
Also available are special litters and papers that
should eventually be used in the box.

Like paper training, the beginning stages have paper
lining the entire floor of the room. You continually
change any soiled paper until the puppy chooses a place
on the floor it likes to eliminate.

Once the puppy has eliminated in an area about the size
of a litter pan for approximately two weeks, place a
litter pan on the floor and paper inside the litter

When it goes and does its business inside the litter
box, make sure to praise it profusely. It has got to
establish this is the correct behavior before it will
be comfortable with it.

Once it is used to the litter box with the paper, you
may begin the change to doggy litter if desired. As
time goes on, you may add additional litter until
eventually the paper is gone and only litter remains.

If you choose this method, you must clean the litter
box every time your Pit Bull eliminates. It will not
go in a dirty box. Failure to consistently clean the
litter box will result in your puppy reverting back to
the floor.

Follow any of the above 3 methods consistently, and you
should soon have a fully house-trained Pit Bull!

Well, that's all the time that we have for today. We
will send the next email to you tomorrow. It will talk
about training your Pit Bull and making it

Of course, what was covered in today's email is just a
small fraction of what you need to know in order to
fully housetrain your Pit Bull.

There are dozens of other extremely important tips and
techniques that you need to keep in mind before you can
start housetraining your Pit Bull, and there isn't
sufficient space in a single email to describe them

Plus, there are numerous mistakes that many new
Pit Bull owners make when they are housetraining their
pets, and there isn't enough space here to cover all
these mistakes so that YOU don't accidentally make

In order to learn about the important housetraining
tips and techniques that have NOT been described in
this email, and to learn about the common mistakes made
by new Pit Bull owners when they are housetraining
their pets (so that you can avoid them), check out our
Pit Bull Lovers Membership Site at:


There is an entire book devoted to housetraining your
Pit Bull in our membership site.

Once you have implemented all the techniques mentioned
in this book, you can put a permanent end to the sheer
sense of pain and frustration that you feel when you
suddenly discover that your Pit Bull has relieved
itself in exactly those places that you didn't want it

You will have the peace of mind of knowing that when
you return home from work, the floor of your house,
your carpets and your furniture will not be dirty or
permanently ruined because your Pit Bull has gone to
the bathroom in the most inappropriate of places.

Other members of your family will no longer complain to
you that your Pit Bull has not been house-trained

Plus, you will save dozens of hours of your time every
week because you will no longer have to waste time
trying to figure out on your own as to how you can
potty train your Pit Bull... our book will give
you detailed, step-by-step instructions on how to do

Here's the link -


In our membership site, you will also find hundreds of
other highly advanced strategies and methods for
training, taking care of and maintaining your Pit Bull.

You won't be able to find these tips and techniques
anywhere else on the Internet or in any book available
at your local bookstore - because these are
breakthrough techniques that our researchers at the
Pit Bull Training Institute have themselves discovered
through years of extremely painstaking research.

When you become a member of the Pit Bull Lovers
Membership Site, you will get access to these advanced
training strategies and methods instantly, and you can
start applying these techniques to your Pit Bull within
the next 6 minutes.

Once you have finished implementing these techniques,
your Pit Bull will quickly turn into a healthy, happy,
beautiful, obedient and well-trained pet that will make
your family members think you are someone with super-
human capabilities and will literally make all the
other dog owners in your locality jealous and envious
of you!

Here's the link to our site again:


Thanks and best regards,
Nancy Richards
Pit Bull Lovers Membership Site

أتمنى أن يعجبكم الدرس الأول وتقدرون تشتركون في هالمؤسسه لتدريب كلاب البت بول وطبعا مثل ماذكرو هالكورس خاص لمحبي البت بول وهيا مجانا

cool partner
cool partner غير متصل  
قديم 28-09-2005, 12:56 PM   #2
هاوي متميز

مشاركة: Pit Bull Training

بس والله لو بلعربي جان زين ولا لو حد من الاعضاء او المشرفين يترجم بكون له شاكر
استغفر الله العظيم استغفر الله العظيم استغفر الله العظيم استغفر الله العظيم استغفر الله العظيم استغفر الله العظيم استغفر الله العظيم استغفر الله العظيم استغفر الله العظيم استغفر الله العظيم استغفر الله العظيم استغفر الله العظيم استغفر الله العظيم استغفر الله العظيم استغفر الله العظيم
uae_pitbull غير متصل  
قديم 28-09-2005, 01:20 PM   #3
عضوية شرفية
الصورة الرمزية بوعزوز

مشاركة: Pit Bull Training

مشكور اخوي بس عندي طلب وسؤال الله يخليك تدريب الكلاب يكون في قسم تدريب الكلاب اخوي ما عليك أمر و عندي ايضا سؤال و هو عندما قلت ان تضع الكلب في صندوق هل تعلم ماهي مضار هذا الشيئ في الأول صحيح انه سوف يعض عندما تأتي بصندوق مغلق من جميع النواحي وضيق نواعا ما و مفتوح من اتجاه واحد سوف يعض ولكن هل تعلم لماذا وهل تعلم ماهي مضار هذا الشي بعد مده من الوقت؟
انا اريد ان اعرف .
بوعزوز غير متصل  
قديم 28-09-2005, 02:59 PM   #4
cool partner
هاوي جديد

Lightbulb مشاركة: Pit Bull Training

بصراحه يابو عزو
الموضوع اللي ذكرته للحين انا ماطبقت هالكورس على الكلاب اللي عندي
ومثل ماذكرت انه هالكورس او المؤسسه هاذي دوبي مشترك. :think:

بس سؤالك جدا رائع وماجى على بالي ولكن راح ارسل لهم رساله اسئلهم عن هالشي وبس يردون علي راح اخبرك .

واتمنى من باقي الأعضاء إذا عندهم اي جواب يخبرونا

cool partner
cool partner غير متصل  
قديم 29-09-2005, 12:32 AM   #5
عضوية شرفية
الصورة الرمزية بوعزوز

مشاركة: Pit Bull Training

أخوي انا راح اعطيك الجواب و انت اسأل اذا كان صحيح او لا شوف في القبل أوروبا كانت تستعمل هذه الطريقه ولكن في عام 2000 تركتها لأن اثبتت التتمرينات جميعها ان من وراء هذا التدريب اجبار الكلب على العض وسط العصي و الضجه في مكان مغلق مثل الصندوق و لعلمك كانو أيضا يربطون رجليه الأماميه لكي لا يجد وسيله غير العض و لكن بعد مده اثبت ان عندما يحس الكلب في اي ضجه هو حس بها و انت لم تحس بها سوف يثير اعصابه و يصعب التحكم به و هذا اثبت عن طريق مباريات البطولات التي حدثت في القبل و الان الفرق بينها أخي و التدريب يسمي ((table training)) اسأل عنه اي مدرب سوف يعرفه ويقول لك ابتعد عنه ولكن شوف الكلب سوف يتعلم العض ولكن الطريقه ليست مفيده .
بوعزوز غير متصل  
قديم 29-09-2005, 02:14 AM   #6
هاوي متميز
الصورة الرمزية DA-HunTER

مشاركة: Pit Bull Training

ماشاله عليك بوعزوززز يهب عليك عبقري :ANSmile06 "أمزح"
صدق انك في المكان المناسب مشرف قسم تدريب الكلاب ماشاءالله
بس عندي سؤال صغيرون يصير أدرب روتوايلر تمارين البتبول؟؟ و ما حد يبخل علينا بوصلا لتدريب الروتوايلر :bdaysmile ....
DA-HunTER غير متصل  
قديم 29-09-2005, 12:50 PM   #7
هاوي متميز

مشاركة: Pit Bull Training

ماعتقد يصير ادرب الروتوايلر نفس تدريبات البت بول وحبيت اقول لمشرف منتدي التدربيات انا عندي كورس كامل عن تدريب البت بول بلعربي وليش من اي شركة من عندا نحن هل تريدون ان انشره في المنتدي ؟
استغفر الله العظيم استغفر الله العظيم استغفر الله العظيم استغفر الله العظيم استغفر الله العظيم استغفر الله العظيم استغفر الله العظيم استغفر الله العظيم استغفر الله العظيم استغفر الله العظيم استغفر الله العظيم استغفر الله العظيم استغفر الله العظيم استغفر الله العظيم استغفر الله العظيم
uae_pitbull غير متصل  
قديم 30-09-2005, 02:14 AM   #8
عضوية شرفية
الصورة الرمزية بوعزوز

مشاركة: Pit Bull Training

أخوي في شي أنا موفاهم ممكن اتفهمني اذا اتعرف ماهو الفرق بين تدريب كلب البيت بول و الكلاب الأخري؟
بوعزوز غير متصل  
قديم 19-08-2006, 02:13 PM   #9
الصورة الرمزية r3odi

رد: Pit Bull Training

r3odi غير متصل  
موضوع مغلق


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