عرض مشاركة واحدة
قديم 29-08-2014, 11:57 PM   #1

مربي يصنع مسكن رائع للهامسترات التي يربيها

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
أردت أن أكتب لكم هذا الموضوع ربما بعض منكم يجد بعض الإلهام لبناء قفص كبير خاص بهامستراته؛ شخص صنع هو وصديقة مسكن هامسترات كبير ورائع وصديقة قام بأغلب العمل، فيما يلي ما كتبه هذا الشخص:

Hazel’s cage. Can you find her in the picture?

If you have seen Hazels big hamster cage in some of my posts and you have wondered how we have built it then have a look at the following pictures!

I can’t give any detailed step-by-step description as I my boyfriend has done most of the work But maybe some of you can find some inspiration to build your very own big cage for your furry little friend.

Here we go.

Let me know if you are interested in some more detailed information about how this cage has been built or what material we have used! I’m sure Ross is more than happy to help as he is really proud of his little project

تحياتي لأعضاء منتديات 2zoo.
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